"Bestow not your favor on the debased, for your favor will go to
waste. So due to free and noble people, for them the fragrances of your
goodnesses will spread around like musk."
COMMENTARY: Everybody knows that if you do good to a debased
person it will always go to waste. For example, if you try to give honor
to a professional beggar he will not appreciate it, and if you give him
money he will not thank from his heart and you may never see him again.
Or if you try todo favors upon a professional crook anda fraud, whatever
good you will do to him he will attribute it to his planning and shrewdness
with which he made you give up your wealth to him.
Who is a debased person?
He who sells his honor for the sake of worldly gain; such as beggars,
prostitutes, theives, pimps, and frauds.
The one who sells his Iman for the sake of some worldly gain.
In this category are included the religious men (ulama) who become tools
in the hands of the government by which people are misled, and also the
Mashaikh who become lackeys (yes-men) of the government or anti-Islamic