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The Life of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, r.a.
 Salient Points in Chronological Order

Born in the year 530 A.H. (1115 A.D.) (the date is also stated to be between the years 532 and 537 A.H.)

Born at Sanjar (also known as Sanjir), Isfahan, Iran and brought up in Khorasan.

Full name: Moinuddin Hasan

Title: When, on reaching Medina, he offered his respects to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, his salams and respects were acknowledged and he was awarded the title of "Qutbul Mashariq Barro wo Beha' (Lord of the spiritual health of the land and sea).

He is remembered and addressed by various other titles, e.g., Hind-ul-Wali (the Saint of India); Gharib Nawaz (The Patron of the Poor); Naib-e-Rasul Fil Hind (The Deputy of the Prophet, p.b.u.h. in India).

Chishti order: originated in Syria, the founder was Hazrat Khwaja Abu Ishaque Shami R.A. who moved to Chisht from Syria as commanded by his spiritual guide.

Haz. Abu Ishaque's disciples came to be known as Chishti, and so was Gharib Nawaz who brought new vigor and vitality to the Chishti order.

Father: Khwaja Ghyasuddin Hasan who died in Baghdad when Gharib Nawaz was 15 years of age. Was a great sufi scholar of his time among the sufis of Khorasan.

Ghaus-al-Azam (Haz. Abdul Qadir Gilani, r.a.) and Gharib Nawaz were related to each other both on the paternal and maternal side.

Early education: by his own father:At age nine (9), committed the Holy Quran to memory. Then, at a private school, concentrated on Hadith (Traditions of the Prophet) and Fiqh (jurisprudence -- Islamic Law) and in a short time acquired a fairly good knowledge.

From an early age he enjoyed the company of saints, mystics and dervishes. Meeting with a mystic named Haz. Ibrahim Qandoozi became a turning point in his life.

In the year 544 (A.H.), Ibrahim Qandoozi entered Gharib Nawaz's garden. He received great respect and hospitality from Moinuddin Hasan. With a hearty welcome and utmost courtesy, Gharib Nawaz presented him with a bunch of grapes. In return Haz. Ibrahim Qandoozi took out a piece of oil-cake and having chewed it, gave it to Gharib Nawaz. Upon eating it, Gharib Nawaz felt a great spiritual effect and change in himself, causing him to become disgusted with worldly, mundane affairs. He sold his inherited garden and the grinding stone and distributed it to the poor and the needy. Thus his travels began in search of Truth.
Khwaja Gharib Nawaz had the occasion of meeting Ghausl Azam (Abdul Qadir Gilani, r.a.) twice: 1st time in 551 H. (1155 AD) when he was 21 years of age; 2nd time, 30 years later, when he was 51 years, in 581 AH (1185 AD).

Gharib Nawaz then left for Arabia. On his return in 554 AH (1159 AD), went to Haroon (also known as Harwan, Iran).  He took initiation for the first time and thus became the disciple of Haz. Uthman Harooni.

    spent 2 years undertaking spiritual training, asceticism and acquiring spiritual attainments under the guidance of his master/shaikh.

    was given permission to initiate disciples and was raised to the position of  the spiritual successor of Haz. Uthman Harooni.

First visit to India, via Multan and Lahore: 10 Muhamam 561 A.H (Nov. 11,1165 AD). Spent two weeks at the tomb of Haz. Ali Hujweri (Data Ganj Baksh). Returned to Baghdad, where in 562 AH took discipleship of Haz. Uthman Harooni, 2nd time.

Second visit to India via Multan, Lahore, Delhi to Ajmer, with 40 followers in 587 AH (1191 AD). Left Ajmer for Baghdad in 598 AH (1200 AD) where he stayed for some time.

Third visit to India -- returned from Balkh in 602 AH (1213 AD). Gharib Nawaz passed 22 years of his life in the company and service of his master/shaikh.

Death: On Monday, the 6th of Rajab, 627 AH (21st May, 1229 AD), Gharib Nawaz went into his chamber after night prayers and closed the door. He did not permit anyone to enter. All night long, the people outside heard a mystical sound coming from inside of his room. At the approach of dawn, the sounds stopped. Sensing that there was something unusual because the door remained closed at the time of morning prayers, his devotees opened the door and found him dead. On his forehead were written the words: "He was the beloved of God, and he died in the love of God."

His funeral prayer was led by his eldest son, Khwaja Fakhr-ud-Din Abul Khair, and the funeral was attended by a large number of people belonging to every religion, caste, creed, status or class.

He was buried in the same room where where he breathed his last.

His tomb in Ajmer is visited by large numbers of people, throughout the year, from every part of the world, every walk of life, religion, caste and creed; especially on the occasion of the anniversary/Urs which is celebrated with regal splendour. The Urs begins on the 1st of Rajab and ends on the 6th.

His wife's name was Bibi Ummat-Ullah. Three children were born out of this union: two sons -- Khwaja Fakhr-ud-Din and Khwaja Hissam-ud-Din -- and a daughter -- Bibi Hafiz Jamal.

He married a second time to Bibi Asmat-Ullah. Hazrat Khwaja Zia-ud-Din Abu Said was born out of this union.